Perhaps the logicall outcome?

    by abbothenderson


    1. OMG 😂😂😂💚💚😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Cargobiker530 on

      There’s a Hamas bunker under Mar A Lago; I’m sure of it. They’re using human shields……

    3. I can totally see a Seal Team going in to remove any pets (and maybe some of the migrants working for less than minimum wage) before Mar-A-Lago gets nuked.

    4. agree-with-me on

      Never. He’ll play by the rules and the next guy will make this place Russia.

      We are fucked.

    5. Dictatorships are pretty cool if you’re in the right group and have no foresight.

    6. FlimsyConclusion on

      Just imagine what Trump could do under ‘official act’ in future elections if he gets back in.

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