They only ruled like this because they know Biden wouldn’t do this, but Trump totally would!

    by professorearl


    1. Oh no… They can’t make bull shit accusations anymore. Our country is doomed. Quick. Change all the rules to save democracy.. cause if we don’t Trump will change all the rules.

      You are scared of a boggy man the MSM created to scare you and thus do the bidding of their masters.


    2. Red_J_Ruff_Wood on

      “Hello? SEAL Team 6? I need another ice cream and a clean diaper”
      Sir, this doesn’t sound like an emergency
      “I said NOW, JACK!”

    3. hruebsj3i6nunwp29 on

      Hello, Cringe Department? We have one of your people posting shitty memes.

    4. Altruistic-Poem-5617 on

      Tbh, he should just do some crimes and be like “you sure you dont want to change that back?”

    5. robeewankenobee on

      For those who missed the history lessons, this SCOTUS ruling is the equivalent of 1930s Nazi ‘Enabling Act’ reloaded.

    6. Affectionate_Gas_264 on

      That’s thinking too small

      Send them to target Bezos and take his fortune 😆

    7. Pvt_cluckins on

      I’m sorry can whatever geriatric candidate that gets into the Whitehouse start executing citizens for shits n giggles. I want to speed run America revolutionary war 2

    8. Is this really a meme about using US forces to take out a former president?

      US is completely lost

    9. StandardN02b on

      For all the people that can’t read and only see headlines: no, impeachments are not being removed and they can still be used for executive officers both in office and already out of it.

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