*so long as the President in question claims the killing is an “official act” and judges are too afraid for their own lives to rule it is an “unofficial act” lest they also be killed as an “official act”

    by duMb-pLus_uLtra


    1. Not ALL the Justices. Just the ones that signed off on a president’s right to do whatever he wants in his official capacity.

      Then, after Biden nominates 6 replacement justices, he can dare Republican Senators to block his appointments. Assassinating those who would deny justice is part of his job description now.

    2. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      But they know that Biden actually believes in democracy and would never exploit the power they just gave him, so they’re happily waiting for the next “conservative” shitstain to come to power, and Alito and Thomas can finally retire to the fascist wonderland they’ve built over the last 2 decades. They have no shame because they have no fear of ever, EVER being held to account for the shit they pull.

    3. ‘They wont kill us as long as we are useful’. Yup, slowly they are making themselves less useful. They are supposed to be the valve to control the balance. They are upsetting the balance and it will cost them everything. All to fill their pockets.

    4. King-Florida-Man on

      Whole thing is dumb. Inciting an attack on a United States government building because you don’t like the election results is not an official act.

    5. FreckledFury86 on

      I think most ppl are missing the point of this ruling: it’s not really about trump but rather Obama for killing US citizens without trial and bush for invading a country that wasn’t connected to 911

    6. Spare_Substance5003 on

      Neither Judiciary or Legislative can enforce laws either. So Biden can do whatever. Who’s going to stop him?

    7. This is great news and is non-partisan fir any president, regardless of party affiliation. Only those with Trump-phobia are triggered by this ruling.

    8. Notoriouslyd on

      Didn’t Nixon say something like this in that Frost interview. WHEN THE PRESIDENT DOES IT ITS NOT ILLEGAL

    9. I kinda want to see a horror slasher where the president just kills anyone he wants, purge-style.

    10. treehumper83 on

      Now is the time, just after all of this kicks off and while everyone is reeling, to put right all that has gone wrong. Executive orders in the name of our freedom. Make changes NOW, even if they might be extremely dark. Save our country!

    11. Damn I wish someone like Huey Long was president right now. Even if just for 24 hours.

    12. therealtiddlydump on

      The least reliable way to know what a majority opinion said is to read the dissent…

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