Watergate was legal!

    by Miserable-Lizard


    1. Miserable-Lizard on

      Nixon was right 💀

      Laws don’t matter anymore if you are president!

    2. Timely-Commercial461 on

      They completely got rid of “high crimes and misdemeanors” as a basis for impeachment. We’re smoked 💀

    3. TemperatureTop246 on

      And yet we have poor people doing life sentences for minor drug possession.

    4. Ikbenchagrijnig on

      Hahaha oh wauw. This is like watching a train wreck unfold in slowmo


    5. Realistic_Mushroom72 on

      I love that they just gave Joe Biden immunity for anything he may decided to do, like sending Trump on a mandatory vacation to Guantanamo and then whisking him away to an undisclosed location for a prolong stay and loosing the paperwork of where they put him, could be decades before they find him again. Heck he could order the arrest of the members of the Supreme Court, and no one could say anything because it would be legal according to the Supreme Court.

    6. StillHere179 on

      Brought to you by the same Nation that rebelled against the British because of Taxation without representation. Yet right now look what happens in Puerto Rico and Guam. US territories that are taxed without real representation.

    7. OkDirection8015 on

      So presidents can do whatever they want in office without any repercussions?

    8. SupernerdgirlBW on

      At this point they’re just playing straight in our faces. 🤦🏾‍♀️

    9. The GOP has wanted revenge for Richard Nixon for 50 years and burned down everything to get it.

    10. Odd-Tune5049 on

      I keep telling everyone that this clown show style of politics started with Nixon

    11. Sadly this is what happens when people don’t turn out to vote or they refuse to vote out of vendetta. Sad part is, losing rights, presidents borderline being king now, epa being gouged, all this happens and people will still not vote for Biden because he is old.

    12. You vote against the president and he can have you killed. He’s the president. So he’s above the law.

      The president doesn’t like your company’s political spending on his opponent. He makes an executive order saying he gets to set your board. It’s legal because he is president.

      You don’t vote for the president so he seizes your bank account for the federal government. It’s legal because he’s the president.

      You speak out on a podcast about the president. He has your family killed in front of you. It’s legal because he’s president.

      That’s now the country we live in. Not IF Trump gets elected. Today.

      It officially makes the presidency a dictatorship.

    13. Democracy is being threatened. Seal Team 6: stand down and stand by……….


    14. Flyersandcaps on

      Yea. That was my first thought also. Wait until a Dem president does something illegal.

    15. Far_Estate_1626 on

      I bet Steve Bannon pissed himself laughing today. This timeline is wild.

    16. We should have a Richard Nixon Appreciation Day now that he’s been totally vindicated. Great guy, simply was trying to get a leg up on the competition in ’72 and it turns out he had every right to do so. It only took the Supreme Court 52 years to realize the error of their ways.


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