Suicide Hotline Number On Taxes Owed Envelope

    by SixteenTurtles


    1. SixteenTurtles on

      Got this today. Owe 26 bucks because math. Turned it around to see the suicide hotline number on the back flap. A lot go take in.

    2. Well, permit me to respond in kind from every current and future resident and tax payer in the great State of Ohio where, with God, all things are possible…

      [clears throat]


    3. Impossible-Funny8141 on

      It’s not enough that I owe them money but now they read my diary 📔 🤦‍♂️

    4. Minialpacadoodle on

      Why we mad? Should we not have suicide awareness and prevention efforts?

    5. Dirt_E_Harry on

      We can’t collect your taxes if you’re dead. So, yeah, please live so we can get our money. – Love, IRS

    6. YuppieWithAPuppy on

      You have to wonder what study/statistic led to this… product placement

    7. ![gif](giphy|3o6MbkAXflx1xbceIM)

      Nothing like seeing the sender is the IRS

    8. I got one from the VA with the number on the outside too. Funny thing is they don’t usually do this unless it’s bad news.

    9. Miserable_Matter_277 on

      When your government wanta to see you dead, it may have outlived its use.

    10. Tax office correspondence is emailed in my country. No mental health helplines included.

    11. thedeadsigh on

      All thanks to our good friends at Intuit. Fuck you very much, turbo tax lobbyists.


      if asking people who have zero money to provide it or recieve consequences, gets enough of them to commit suicide that printing this is worth it, maybe the way we redistribute ressources is stupid after all…..

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