[OC] Formula 1: Sergio Perez’s Poor Qualifying Performance Continues

    by Kitchen_Ad1973

    1 Comment

    1. Kitchen_Ad1973 on

      The figure was produced with R end-to-end. {tidyverse} for data wrangling and plotting, {f1dataR} was used to get the data.

      I was heavily inspired by this guide, you should check it out if you are interested in this type of figure: [https://r-graph-gallery.com/web-dumbbell-chart-with-a-gap-column.html](https://r-graph-gallery.com/web-dumbbell-chart-with-a-gap-column.html)

      The full code can be accessed in the projects’ github: [https://github.com/shalvakvi/3wide](https://github.com/shalvakvi/3wide)

      twitter: [https://twitter.com/3wide_analytics](https://twitter.com/3wide_analytics)

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