Sorry but it had to be said

    by Sunjiat


    1. *So exhausted of hearing a counterpoint to the transatlantic slave trade, as “well Africans sold Africans into slavery”. Africa had many empires, kingdoms, chiefdoms, and hunter/gatherers that had separate lives, separate social hierarchies, etc.*

      *Some Africans were intact directly captured by Europeans and forced into slavery, some were sold into slavery for a great profit, and some were spoils of war and conquest. It was Oyo kingdoms vs Dahomey, Benin vs Ijaw, Hausa vs Yoruba, etc.*

      Greeks enslaved the Slavic Eastern European people, it wasn’t “white people enslaved white people”

      Romans and Arabs enslaved everybody

      These are not cultural identities, but a modern categorical concept.,15%25%20grew%20sick%20and%20died.,slaving%20became%20the%20dominant%20trade.

    2. hornymomment on

      I mean I think the point is that this part is not teached in schools at all, kids end up learning that europeans just went into the continent and kidnapped some people, and thats something that rarely happened

    3. Space_Socialist on

      One of the things that I think a lot of the “Africans enslaved Africans” crowd ignore is that why Europe needed a constant supply of slaves. The Slave plantations in the Caribbean were horrific literally churning through people. This system was entirely the fault of European colonial overlords who decided to make a horrific system in the name of profit.

    4. PixelJack79 on

      It’s also worth mentioning that Europeans greatly increased demand for slaves.

    5. KingofFools3113 on

      No-one is saying that Europeans are off the hook. But let’s tell the whole story not just the parts you want

    6. TheHistoryMaster2520 on

      Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, and Oceanians also sold Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, and Oceanians into slavery, the only continent free of slavery is Antarctica

    7. suckleknuckle on

      No one said europeans are saints, but history should be told in full. Revisionism is cringe.

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