About 70% of the mussels I ordered in a restaurant in Spain have little crabs in them with eggs

    by asuhs


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    2. Parasites… Unfortunately it is common for mussels, we get them from France, but they do not tend to have this many, more 10% like.

    3. username9909864 on

      These are pea crabs. They’re totally normal. It’s like y’all have never eaten fresh shellfish before

    4. KeithopherJam3s on

      This is a good thing. It means the mussels are fresh and alive. If they were dead you wouldn’t get the crabs.

    5. sweendog101 on

      Seen these in Oysters many times at a restaurant here in Nebraska…

    6. I’m just now realizing that I don’t really look at my food before I eat it…

    7. Fuckedby2FA on

      They are common, a sign of the mussels coming from healthy waters and fine to eat.

      It grosses me out as well.

    8. firstname_m_lastname on

      Those little guys are creamy and delicious and, here in Coastal Virginia, they are considered Good Luck!

    9. *record scratch*

      *freeze frame*

      Yep, that’s me.

      You’re probably wondering how I got here.

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