Norway has almost fully accepted its infamous sub-culture of Black Metal.

    by Kaptein_Kast


    1. Kaptein_Kast on

      Almost. They call it black metal paint (it’s Corpsepaint) and no inverted crosses. But nonetheless.

      I still remember when media, politicians and the general public would just pretend it never happened and didn’t exist. Now they have pop-ups at the main airport.

    2. ODCreature98 on

      I see no problem with it. Yeah they paint their face, so what, they still live like normal people

    3. Hand_of_Doom666 on

      Black Metalhead here (not from Norway tho).
      What is happening here is a misrepresentation of the culture in my honest opinion. The so called second wave of Black Metal, which very much started in Norway has always tried to be an adversary to pop culture and society. This started with imagery of satanic symbols (because ooooh, look how bad we are) and had it’s horrible peak with the burning of churches and multiple murders (which was horrendous and should never have happened). It is basically the same as if there were NFTs of your favourite anti-capitalist Punk band a.k.a. a horrible misinterpretation of what the movement is or at least used to be for better or worse.
      Just my 2 cents.

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