$250,000 Porsche 911 GT3RS with a student driver sticker

    by bryanthebearded


    1. If I were a young 20 year old driving a 911 GT3RS, I could do something stupid like that too.

    2. If you ever want to see this in excess and they all have actual restricted driver’s licences/graduate drivers licenses, just spend half a day in Vancouver BC.

      You’ll see multiple high end and super cars with N stickers (Novice drivers that have graduated to being able to drive on their own). It’s the kids of loaded mainland Chinese parents who send their kids to Vancouver and area to “study” and place them in multi million dollar houses as foreign investment.

      Especially in the summer, it’s just 16 year olds and their N-sticker sports cars everywhere, not limited to males, I’ve seen a Mclaren P1 with full anime wraps with a tiny Chinese girl driving it. ex:

      [1](https://i.imgur.com/I0EW229.png), [2](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FNJzDSHm1xfcCcpPP7lsysHE-f9kqyLvjJ3EiLo-DouI.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db173923851b074de64676c667d432bc1a049526c), [3](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0b5100609a11f70f47ef48c930866116/tumblr_nu1yessB8C1tqgrlgo2_640.png), [4](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5cd5cef12000005c0098c379.jpeg?ops=scalefit_960_noupscale&format=webp), [5](https://cdn-fastly.thetruthaboutcars.com/media/2022/07/19/9401606/british-columbia-sells-lamborghini-seized-in-street-racing-incident.jpg?size=720×845&nocrop=1), [6](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3f99eefd48340aff228d0dd82334ca83/tumblr_n21eipOdon1tqgrlgo1_1280.jpg)

      There’s an entire [Tumblr account](https://universityofbeautifulcars.tumblr.com/) dedicated to the luxury cars one person sees just parked at UBC alone (the University of British Columbia)

    3. Acceptable-Cow6446 on

      Free “imma shit driver” pass.

      My favorite was a 2-seater Porsche I saw with “baby on board” sticker. There’s a few ways to take that, and all of them lead to “shit person driving”

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