Welp, that didn’t go as planned. Not OP

    by headybuzzard


    1. SomegalInCa on

      Sorry for the outcome but perhaps also consider how she might feel a great loss herself and is reflecting some of that with anger and insults. Not ideal of course but understandable

    2. SurlyBuddha on

      Maybe the wife isn’t interested in being married to a woman. Accepting your new reality doesn’t obligate a person to remain in a romantic relationship with you.

    3. Quirky-Nerp4089 on

      “I told my heterosexual wife that she must become a lesbian. What could go wrong?”

    4. bamacpl4442 on

      I have a trans kid. I have a trans friend. I support trans people.

      If the wife is straight and wants to be married to a man, she’s not wrong for wanting a divorce. She ought to be more supportive, but the marriage being over doesn’t make her a Boogeyman.

    5. Is_That_A_Euphemism_ on

      Shocker. Dude married a women who married a man. Can’t blame others for your actions.

    6. I mean, the marriage can end and that’s completely reasonable for a variety of reasons, but it sounds like she was a total bitch about it and her being “progressive” is only when it’s from a position of privilege from which the issues she’s commentating on don’t effect her. Looks like when it’s right in front of her she’s not so idealistic after all

    7. Zestyclose_League813 on

      If I was dating a man and he transitioned to a woman I would do the exact same thing. I’m not attracted to that so why lie to myself

    8. Puzzleheaded_Mix3483 on

      Remember when South Park touched on this issue almost a decade ago .

    9. Turbulent_Hair8931 on

      What do they expect? They literally JUST came out to their wife of 16 years less than 24 hours ago lol. Instead of going straight to social media, maybe give the wife time to process what you just revealed as this doesn’t only change your life, it changes hers also. Give eachother both the time and space to reevaluate everything. Once things have settled and you’ve both processed, decide from there

    10. CartographerTop1504 on

      You can support the community yet not choose to be with someone who decides to transition.

      Not everyone is wide and open on the sexuality spectrum. Some are more rooted.

    11. Longjumping_Elk3968 on

      The wife isn’t interested in someone who puts themselves before their family, and fair enough.

    12. Tight_Contact_9976 on

      My god people. Yes, the wife has a right to feel upset. But immediately ending a marriage after a five minute conversation? Seriously!! If what op says is true, she didn’t bother at all to engage with him, discuss this with him, or whatever. There is no reason to act this way after 16 years of marriage.

    13. Ok-Reputation-2266 on

      I’d like to hear the wife’s side of the story. This person even admitted to being super emotional for the better part of a week and experiencing a major life event. What she said and what they heard could be two wildly different things.

    14. I should stop going into comments on posts about trans people outside of LGBT+ subreddits. 😬

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