Seems like their last ditch effort to help Trump win is convincing everyone Biden should drop out.

    by bettercallme_


    1. JordySkateboardy808 on

      Who? The editorial board of the NYT?

      There are good arguments for replacing him. Mainly that his performance has HIS people questioning his ability, which could leave them to stay home on voting day. It’s stupid, but then the average person seems to be pretty darn stupid.

    2. KebariKaiju on

      I knew it was the going narrative that night when a bunch of new accounts were posting and sea lioning about it with 1.7k upvotes within a half hour and no positive comments.

    3. AutumnGlow33 on

      I would vote for Biden even if he was dead. Trump is evil. I don’t know a single real person in real life who says they’re not gonna vote for Biden now or thinks Trump is a better choice. A lot of people said Biden didn’t do well (he didn’t,) but people are well aware that Trump is insane and that Project 2025 is dangerous. Again, the other guy is a convicted felon and a rapist who has openly said he’s going to be a dictator. Why are we even having this conversation?

    4. This_Mongoose445 on

      I’m remembering the debate with the same intensity that the right remembers Jan 6th and 34 felony convictions. Not worth my time.. go blue

    5. AlternativeFukts on

      First, I’m still voting for Biden if I have to. I’d vote for a mop bucket over Trump.


      It wasn’t a “poor debate performance.” It was millions of people realizing at once that he is a senile old man who has no business leading the free world. He can’t speak coherently. He can barely walk off the debate stage. Did you see the vacant look on his face when he wasn’t talking/mumbling. The guy needs to be in a nursing home.

      You are all delusional. We need to replace him

    6. Wow, this “dropping out” narrative is so desperate! Trump is addicted to Adderall and crashing fast.

    7. Informal-Resource-14 on

      Yeah this is interesting. It definitely feels like a take, like a plan. A way to deflect. Especially since every story prior to Thursday was “Trump’s cognitive decline is too dramatic to hide anymore.” Biden stumbled but I still don’t see anything more complex than a tired old man with a stutter and a cold. It wasn’t the big massive mess it’s implied to be. It doesn’t feel fully orchestrated but it feels weirdly as if it were a spin they’ve been planning on

    8. Yea, there are a bunch of people that are absolutely panicking, and a bunch more fanning the flames.

    9. coolbaby1978 on

      So to be clear, two old senile men debated. One lied about everything and didn’t answer any questions as posed and the other got confused at times and mumbled.

      Biden didn’t lose the debate. It wasn’t a disaster, that’s what they want you to think. Expectations were so low for Trump that anything short of shitting himself was viewed as a success. Biden isn’t my ideal candidate and honestly both of them should drop out. BOTH OF THEM. But Biden is still beating Trump even after the debate, and calls are being made to have him drop out and not the convicted felon rapist with severe cognitive decline who is STILL behind? Are you fucking serious right now?

      The Dems would be stupid to buy into the latest attempt to divide and discourage them. Rs play dirty and if you can’t recognize how you’re being manipulated for a given outcome, you’re weak minded.

    10. RollFun7616 on

      Any time some dipshit uses the term “patriots” to describe random strangers on the internet, I know that nothing they have to say means anything.

    11. Pootscootboogie69 on

      It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register]( to Vote! Check to [Confirm]( you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved.

      A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](,_2024)
      and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](,_2024)

      U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election!

      [New Hampshire](,_2024)
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      Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!

    12. RoamingStarDust on

      Prepare for all the “I’m a democrat, BUT … ”

      Yeah, whatever. It doesn’t matter. I will be voting for whoever is opposite of Trump. That has not changed.

    13. When Trump was blathering about his tariffs he literally shit his pants, it was on the MSNBC and WSJ feeds. Trump literally shit his pants during the debate and all they talk about is Biden looks old.

    14. hunted-enchanter on

      Yeah, the media is desperate to pretend this is a horse race.

      Meanwhile, Trump has generated so much hate, it’s now coming back to him in droves. Sure, rile up the MAGAs. But now, everyone’s riled and the majority outnumbers the MAGAs.

    15. PineappleTraveler on

      If they think he’s so beatable, why wouldn’t they want him to stay in the race? Does not compute

    16. WarlordPope on

      I’ve never heard of these twats, can we not give them more of a platform?

    17. justmarkdying on

      This is bullshit. They’re trying to get undecideds to believe Biden is out. Don’t listen.

    18. this is a victory lap for them. They aren’t panicked. We are. And we should be. The DNC fucked this one. Im stressed AF.

    19. Wouldn’t that be stupid though? Biden running is Trump’s best route to winning. Just about anyone else could absolutely roll Trump in an election.

    20. Ill throw him another $15 dollars because of this video. Democracy, Christofascist state, Women’s Bodily Autonomy and Health, Ending Gun Violence and Child Gun Massacres, Worker’s Rights.

      Easy choice. Things ain’t great but we’re about to lose America to the rightwing American brand pseudo-Christians.

    21. RonStopable88 on

      Anyone who has half a brain understands a walking corpse is better than a traitorous, rapist, felon, liar, cheat, lazy, pamts-shitting-would-be-dictator that is donald trump

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