Got bored back at the end of October and wanted to see how much money I spent daily so I put every purchase or income I made into an Excel spreadsheet to track it.

    I used Python/Jupyter notebook to analyze my data and the Seaborn library to visualize it (I know I know it's not pretty but it shows what I wanted to see clearly)

    Yes I have a low paying job and yes I stay with my parents so fortunately I can save some money

    by WatcherofWildlife

    1 Comment

    1. WatcherofWildlife on

      Got bored back at the end of October and wanted to see how much money I spent daily so I put every purchase or income made into an Excel spreadsheet to track it.

      I used Python/Jupyter notebook to analyze my data and the Seaborn library to visualize it (I know know it’s not pretty but it shows what wanted to see clearly)

      Yes have a low paying job and yes I stay with my parents so fortunately I can save some money

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