The Bible nailed it….maybe not the best wording…

    by susierabbit


    1. Individual-Road7419 on

      And they couldn’t have picked a less stupid Anti-Christ ? I pretty sure there were better idiots in stock

    2. SpecificFail on

      They know. That’s why they’re doing it. They want the world to end in their lifetime because they think they’ll be rapture’d and saved from the chaos that is to follow the antichrist coming into power (again). No. Sadly, I’m not joking. Apparently the first time around and ALL the apocalyptic shit that happened between 2016 and 2021 was not enough to hint that maybe that ship has already sailed and they’re stuck here with the rest of us?

    3. BillyShears1977 on

      “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

      Mahatma Gandhi

    4. Too bad prophets have a bad habit of being in the wrong place and the wrong time

    5. Doublebosco on

      I don’t know why people aren’t seeing it….. but they truly aren’t seeing whats right in front of their faces.

    6. Jynx_lucky_j on

      I’ve seen this idea often enough that I’m surprised do one has bothered to come up with some combination of numerology and conspiracy math to make “MAGA” or “Make America Great Again” = 666.

    7. The bible is a loose collection of stories and ideas most of which predate it by hundreds if not thousands of years. Some of the rest of it is politically motivated inaccurate history while the final parts are nothing more than mediocre poetry. The book of Revelations that is referenced in this meme includes prophecies that are so vague that they have been said to be fulfilled hundreds if not thousands of times since they were written. Trump is not the anti-christ. He is just a run of the mill con-man propped up by oligarchs who own the media and hope to use him to solidify their control over an uneducated and superstitions populace.

    8. Evangelicals main mission is bring about the end of times so Christ can return.

    9. as many people as i know who call themselves christians and are also hard core DJT…i believe he is the anti-christ because he certainly has no idea WWJD.

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