This makes absolutely no sense. O’Reilly has lost all credibility.

    by bettercallme_


    1. AmberTurd223 on

      When did he actually have credibility? He’s always been a loser old white male obsessed with conservative fascist values

    2. ShoutOutMapes on

      They are just leaning into making biden seem weak and dems weak as well. It doesnt matter if its tru. It creates doubt in people. Makes them believe dems are in shambles

    3. YgramulTheMany on

      Bill O’Reilly, the “Inside Edition” celebrity tabloids gossip show host?

    4. Fired Fox News host tries to be relevant again. Move along, nothing to see here.

    5. NachoBag_Clip932 on

      Apparently the Republican strategy is to roll out the James Comey tactic of causing voter doubt, but this time do it 4 months early and replace him with disgraced ex-FOX News host Bill O’Reilly.

    6. AppropriateSpell5405 on

      Didn’t he get canned for sexual harassment and Fox got tired of paying off interns?

    7. Like, just now? Not 10 or 15 years ago? Were you under a rock or on the moon? Oh shit, is this Luther? I fucking love The Umbrella Academy, your dad did you dirty!!!

    8. WetNWildWaffles on

      Conservatives tripping over themselves to astroturf and concern troll about this should be a giant red flag that they’re worried about Trump’s chances of beating Biden.

    9. pithynotpithy on

      *O’Reilly continues to be completely irrelevant and should never be taken seriously at all

    10. I think this falls under the same category as the 30 years of “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” headlines. Everyone publishing the headline figured sooner or later it would be true and they could claim they were the first to break the news.

      Only problem? Jennifer Aniston was never actually pregnant. Time will tell if Biden drops out. If he decides to, Bill O’ Reilly definitely won’t be the one who finds out first.

    11. RanchBaganch on

      O’Reilly said it’s because their internal polling said they couldn’t win and because they were “having trouble fundraising.”

      Except Luntz’s polling **DURING THE DEBATE** said that people were changing their mind from Trump to Biden because Trump was such an asshole, AND, Biden had one of his best days of grass roots fundraising the day after the debate.

    12. troymoeffinstone on

      Breaking: The decision for Bill O’Reilly to drop dead has been made already.

      Bill O’Reilly just doesn’t know when to make the announcement.

    13. He never had any. MAGAts creating fake storylines in order to claim indecisiveness/weakness is one of many known bs tactics they use. They can’t argue on merit because then their ignorance and/or hypocrisy is easily exposed.

    14. O’Reilly knows that there are two options. Either Biden doesn’t drop out and he can either claim his source lied or just ignore it and move on. If Biden does drop out he can claim he broke the story and will be seen as a major force of news again.

    15. coolbaby1978 on

      Sounds like either wishful thinking or manipulation. Bill O’Reilly isn’t exactly a credible news source.

    16. FlimsyConclusion on

      This is just Republicans jumping on the replace Joe Biden train to help fuck up the Dems campaign.

    17. Wow, really scrapping the bottom of the news barrel with this scoop lol. Woof!

    18. Throw hundreds of crazy statements out there. If one ever pans out, you get to be called a genius. If none work out, you still have the same level of credibility as before. No risk making stupid wild guesses when you’re someone like Bill O’Reilly

    19. llama-esque on

      Erm…Breaking News: Bill O’Reilly Has No Credibility! Like, O’Who? ETA: Oh, Bill. The cop didn’t even know who Justin Timberlake was. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)

    20. No, this is deliberate and intentional, BOR trying to muddy the water and confused Democratic voters.

    21. AmbulanceChaser12 on

      The White House doesn’t know how or when to make the announcement, but someone there called…(checks notes)…Bill O’Reilly and told him.

    22. Lil_Artemis_92 on

      If Biden decided not to run again, Bill O’Reilly would be the *last* person he’d break that news to.

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