Life was so good in the seventies (70s).

    by j3434


    1. Hoosier_Daddy68 on

      Ass, Gas or Grass totally sums up the entire decade. Everyone was getting high, cruising and fucking.

    2. The 70’s were polluted and dirty in my memory. There were massive efforts underway to change that but it was just starting to happen.

    3. Freak_Out_Bazaar on

      2070’s kids will be saying the 2020’s was great and I’d be there to rant about how it really wasn’t

    4. gratisargott on

      I love how whenever someone posts something like this they put a picture of hot women, as if hot women doesn’t exist now too, and has in every decade since the 70s. Is it meant to be some kind of proof?

    5. The leaded gas fumes killing the brain cells of all of the young gen-x may be a contributing factor of those rose coloured glasses.

    6. Psychic_Wars_Warrior on

      Yep, the 70s were AMAZING. It’s taken me 50 years to recover from it. No regrets…

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