Make this man run the economy

    by TheCoolGirlNextDoor


    1. “Then why does it no longer say that on the can?”

      I have a feeling this was the intention until they started getting gouged by both suppliers _and_ distributors.

    2. theapricotgod on

      Are you the best drink because you are inflation proof, or are you inflation proof because you are the best drink?

    3. I live outside the US, and obviously that makes a difference, but here Arizona Tea is one of the more expansive drinks, costs about $3.5 a can.

    4. LubricatedSpaceMan on

      One thing is to consider though: all costs are going up. Even if you own your manufacturing equipment, your facility and the land on it. Almost every single raw materials, utilities, energy, and secondary supplies such as plastic and paper have skyrocketted.

      As such, either he generates margin through other forms of revenue (backends, optimizations, etc) or he is taking regular hits on an initial very large margin.

      Still a commendable approach to business in those trying times.

    5. arbitraryupvoteforu on

      It’s been $.99 for 40 years. It will probably go up soon but I’m very okay with that. I spent $3.99 on 8 oz of instant espresso in 2020 and paid $6.99 for it yesterday. Don Vultaggio is a legend.

    6. pathetic_beta_bitch on

      Some cans do not have the 99 cents written on them. You can order them without it. I just won’t buy them from those stores.

    7. GadreelsSword on

      Meanwhile, your cans marked 99¢ are being sold for two dollars in the vending machines where I work.

    8. wejustdontknowdude on

      Running a trillion dollar economy is a little more complicated than running a billion dollar private business.

    9. Crocodile_Banger on

      Fun fact: here in Germany Arizona iced tea is pretty much the most expensive iced tea option and considered to be the „luxurious“ option to have iced tea

    10. spadePerfect on

      I don’t think I’ve bought an Arizona can for
      99cts in Germany ever. I think it says 1€ on the cans here? But it’s still more expensive now.

    11. Which is why they will always have my business. Businesses that understand that their success is dependent on the continued prosperity of their customer base usually make good calls… unless they make drugs.

    12. ChewieHanKenobi on

      Doesn’t stop every story everywhere from making it more expensive and making a sign that pretty much tells you to go fuck yourself

    13. As a distributor I have to say he doesn’t set the price. We charge $22.00/cs. $24/$22 makes no sense to a retailer.

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