Please stop using this sentence to defend awful people.

    by Mohanezar99


    1. SavageFractalGarden on

      The whole sentence is a buzzword. Same as “The Holy Roman Empire was not holy, not Roman, nor an empire.”

    2. The sentence is accurate. But only for the history pre 1800s ish maybe before that. Afterwards we have plenty of sources from all sides to get accurate ideas of most things without a massive source of bias

    3. Churchill was good at three things – leading a nation in a war, being racist and making witty one liners which would be repeated by people down the decades, all the while drinking prodigiously.

    4. russianspambot1917 on

      If you get that close to Churchill and don’t put three bullets in him you are doing the world a massive disservice

    5. We are not defending them. In fact usually I use this phrase to underline that there is bias, usually from the asshole writing it.

    6. Public-Ad7309 on

      Churchill was a chauvinist, sexist, racist Pig. British Colonialism killed millions.

    7. I prefer the OG quote by Napoleon.

      “History is a set of lies agreed upon”

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