Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors. Clarence Thomas thanks you.

    by h20poIo


    1. they’re just fully in ‘yeah well what’re YOU gonna do about it, punk?’ mode at this point. total insulation from consequences.

    2. The court doesn’t even give a shit that they appear corrupt in front of all America. They flagrantly display their corruption and dishonesty before all to see and perfectly shameless. It’s repugnant and disgusting what they are.

    3. Admirable_Nothing on

      Anytime you give a person near absolute power and a job for life, you will have some of them take advantage.

    4. StoicBall0Rage on

      Heads on pikes people… if we want proper justice, then that is what you need to do. Those “justices” have more than earned their lethal findings.

    5. WTF am I missing? Is there another side to this or is this just as bad as it seems?

    6. Mysterious-Wasabi103 on

      Yes and if you like what the Supreme Court has been doing these past few years all you have to do is vote Trump, third party, or not vote at all and let him win again.

      Voting Biden won’t be an instant cure, but damn sure would help.

    7. Large_Seesaw_569 on

      What will it take for a proper revolution, preferably of the french kind

    8. Add that to the Executive branch doesn’t get to enforce regulations, courts do and we will be seeing our first billionaire Federal Judges sometime soon. The Executive and the Legislative need to get together and pass some laws about ethics and consequences.

    9. RhythmTimeDivision on

      Is this recency bias?

      They took “Ethics” so early in law school that they forgot those lessons?

      What happened to “even the notion of impropriety”?

    10. GeronimofrmWestside on

      Isn’t this like withholding a billion dollars to get an investigation stopped and the leader fired so your corrupt son gets hired and sends you money ? Biden …..or From China wired to your house ? Biden …….

    11. I’m really starting to feel like it might be time to start setting things on fire in protest.

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