
    by Monsur_Ausuhnom


    1. Lars_Bomba475069 on

      Our balls are being punched and there’s nothing anyone can do about it……………….apparently!

    2. Any-Asparagus-2370 on

      This isn’t true at all. Combined my wife and I make 70k. We saved for 3 years for down payment and bought a house.

    3. SuperGenius9800 on

      Meanwhile, Elon gets a $52B bonus and Kroger just posted $32B in profits. Wait for the trickle?

    4. That’s because we hate big government, but we somehow got the largest one in history without any of the benefits.

    5. experienceTHEjizz on

      Saw my chance to be a homeowner in 2023, took it and now I am house poor. Having a mortgage is way more stressful than having to pay rent. I am fortunate but my stress level increase 3 folds.

    6. jewelry_wolf on

      But let capital disposable income also increased a lot: 2020: $50k -> 2024: $62,152
      Remember this is per capital, which means for dual income it’d be $124k which is well above $106k.
      I guess the constrained supply and growth of income are both the reason, not just “America”

    7. HarryManilow on

      Is it more affordable in Europe? I remember growing up hearing how people couldn’t afford houses and had to live with their parents well into their 30s. Seems like we borrowed the wrong thing from that continent !

    8. Yeah, because the law of “supply and demand” has been thrown out forever. Lumber prices came back down but house prices will only go up. In other news the stock market is now going to only go up forever.

    9. Frequent-Piano6164 on

      Zillow is the reason the housing market is the way it is… they would buy houses at market value, then pay 5 times the market for the next 10. They repeat this process over and over, inflating the home values all over America…

      Zillow should be shutdown for bad business practices…

    10. TheOneCalledD on

      And people still want to try and argue with me that things are better for the average American from 2020-2024 than 2016-2020. Baffling.

    11. Calculon2347 on

      ‘Free’ market: Fucks most of us really forcefully
      Many of us: Um, I don’t like this capitalism thing anymore
      Capitalists: ***shocked Pikachu face***

    12. LoudTrades76 on

      Fun fact, you can mail live bugs to your bank. You can also go in person and harass them for exploiting poor and middle class Americans and using our money to fund the 1%

    13. Gr33nreaper101 on

      I’m thankful to live in a low cost area where my rent is 355 dollars a month, all utilities included. My dad is pushing me to have a family and all that nonsense. I’m content being a single HAPPY man living where I am now for the rest of my life because I can actually afford it. I don’t need a spouse or anything like that because I don’t want to make my life harder or more expensive. Hey dad, go try and buy a house in today’s market, lemme know how that goes. In all seriousness, I love pops dearly but I’m not having a family cuz I don’t want them going through what I go through every day of my life or what I’ve done in the past, suffering in hardship and poverty and having to drag myself outta the hole. Don’t make your life harder guys. You got this

    14. Lostinthought5000 on

      This is not just happening in America. Take a look at our norther neighbor. They are in the same boat

    15. The Biden administration says your stupid and this is the best economy ever.

    16. eddievedderisalive on

      It’s always the individuals fault though. Where’s the rest of it where it ascribes personal responsibility for market and economic conditions

    17. Glad they highlighted and underlined the key words in that 27 word tweet, otherwise I might not have known where to look.

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