What was she thinking

    by nillancool


    1. Their son is probably not his…

      I’ll bet their son looks more like her ex than her husband.

    2. If this is real, then the marriage is over. Once that switch gets flipped it rarely goes back to normal.

    3. SafeSpace4Kindness on

      What she was thinking was she thought the name is really unique & cool, and that the old boyfriend is out of her life so who cares, she should be able to name her kid what she wants

    4. They need to convert the throwaway account to the main account. No way they got a name that tops this.

      Also, she was thinking “I fucked up and will never find someone like [ex boyfriend] again. I miss them. I guess I’ll settle for this guy.”

    5. A lady friend of mine named one of her boys after “a hot guy she hooked up with in high school.” I often wonder if her ex-husband knew that before they got divorced.

    6. It may just be a really nice name and now, she knows, this whole thing is completely misconstrued. (Maybe)

    7. binneysaurass on

      That she isn’t forthcoming with information says everything you need to to know.

    8. Oh man. Counseling? Name change? It kinda grosses me out tbh. Also the fact that she won’t talk about it.

    9. Anewkittenappears on

      I understand that she *probably* just liked the name even after moving on from the guy, so wanted to name her kid that without thinking about the connotation…but dear God why would she not at least talk to her Husband about it and make sure he was comfortable with it first?  It’s the hiding it that makes this seem the most suspicious, and her refusal to talk to him about it afterwards only makes it worse.

    10. I would:

      1- Get him DNA tested

      2- Divorcing her (no matter what the results are)

    11. My middle name is the name of my mum’s first husband. I dunno how my dad let her get away with that one.

    12. SkatingOnThinIce on

      Good morning honey. I took a quick trip to the Town Hall and changed the name of our son to Junior. Btw, here are the divorce papers

    13. Papa_PaIpatine on

      She was thinking about that good D she had back in the day, that’s what.

    14. I cant tell you what to do, but from my experience, once the trust is broken you have two choices. Either you forgive and forget, and move on, or let it eat you from the inside for the rest of your life. If your son is biologically yours, then I think you have every reason to just ask your wife what was the thought process to give that name to your son, and then only “good” reason is that she thought it was just a nice name, that is the only acceptable reason. Otherwise she needs to explain and apologize for not discussing it with you and being more honest about it. When people lie about something it tends to insult your intelligence, and they deprive you of your right to deal with something based on the truth, they made the decision that they know how you will react or respond and basically feel they find it easier to avoid having to answer to your questions. Is she a person that values trust? Does she have integrity when it comes to basic things in life? She at least owes you an apology and an explanation, if she doesn’t then sometimes who have to be honest with yourself and ask if maybe you fell n love with the wrong person, not saying this is the worst thing to ever happen to a man, but trust for some of us is a dealbreaker.

    15. EmpiresofNod on

      Happens a lot… “Marty, what a nice name.” – Back to the Future. My youngest son is named for my deceased first wife.

    16. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/nMze5Ufe5W

      OOP is the father, tried to talk about the name with the wife, wife invalidated his feelings, all her family and friends knew about the name being the ex’s, OOP scheduled mariage counseling and suggested changing the son’s name to his middle name (which he later changed his mind about), they ended up getting a divorce. And there is no explanation about how counseling or the divorce went

    17. If it is his kid and not the ex’s what is the issue? I’m assuming they agreed to the name.

    18. I mean… Maybe she just liked how the name sounded. If she had an ex boyfriend called Steve, could she no longer call her child Steve?

    19. XxXDizzyLizzie on

      If you like a name then you like a name, my kids named after an anime butler

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