1. Well you spend that much time at Mara Blumpkin and you end up with shit for brains.

    2. SpottyNoonerism on

      What happened to Loomer is horrible and revolting. What she has become because of it is even worse.

    3. She looks like she’s on her last days too with her skin sliding off her face and all.

    4. Poor girl is very sick, and needs a psychiatrist and a Freudian and a Jungian therapist. There’s really deeply rooted sickness within this person on a psychological and spiritual level.

    5. What did he take from you exactly? The ability to oppress people? I must be misremembering because he didn’t take much from you did he?

    6. I finally understand what the phrase “she’s got crazy eyes” actually looks like.

    7. VictorianRoyalty on

      Alright, I’ll just say it…she gives me Pablo Picasso vibes

    8. LazyUsername03 on

      I hope she and every other MAGA cultist are investigated because you know every last one of them has done vile shit, and then we can round them up and lock them away for good

    9. badestzazael on

      From a woman that is happy to put an inactivated Toxin into her face but won’t put a vaccine in her arm.

      Botox is Botulinum Toxin that has been inactivated by heat or a chemical to make it a Toxoid the very same process used to make the Tetanus vaccine and the Diphtheria vaccine.

      Dumb as fuck.

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