The signs for this Elementary School are in cursive.

    by kjemmrich


    1. Impossible-Funny8141 on

      I thought they did not teach cursive writing anymore. I’m genX and no one can tell me how the new generations learned to sign their names? 😆

    2. Spiritual_Parking_70 on

      You need to learn cursive so you can take notes fast in college. You need to know your times tables because you won’t have a calculator in your pocket all the time. You need to know your state capitals because….idk… how was that justified to us as being super important?

    3. capeasypants on

      And according to shitty boomer memes no one under 50 can read it

      Edit: I just read the comments and yeah… It’s not just boomers. It looks like the gen xers have replaced them ffs

    4. Cute, but this is terrible wayfinding. Do you really want people admiring/trying to read the signs instead of watching for children in the road?

    5. Stressed_Writer_8934 on

      First thought: pretentious school trying to act like preppy school on public school budget.
      My brain has no filter

    6. “This Fall on ABC, it’s like that other show, but slightly different!”

    7. skepticcaucasian on

      I hate this, because I forget how to use some uppercase cursive letters, and some lowercase, except for my own signature. Can we just say that cursive sucks, often, especially since some people like to make it illegible, like DOCTORS?

    8. OtterishDreams on

      I write in blocks then blends back to cursive for a few words then back to some caps. I cant say why….there must be some logical hand comfort/flow reason.. It cant be that Im crazy……can it?

    9. EntrepreneurOk7513 on

      Everyone’s bagging on the cursive and I’m over here wondering why the school uses yellow legal pads.

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