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    by Future_P


    1. Thank you RFK Jr, for showing me it CAN be worse. I feel better about how things are now.

    2. “Guys! Hey guys! Look at me! I’m over here, look at me guys, look! Pay attention to me! Over here! Everybody look! Look at me!” -RFK

    3. chaoskillingme on

      maybe, and i mean MAYBE, if the brain worm detached itself, i could consider IT as a potential replacement.

      but definitely not if it chooses rfk as it’s running mate.

    4. HELLLLLLLLNOOOOO, newsom or harris maybe, but say what you will about biden but it is confirm Rfk jr have worm in his brain how is that better🤣

    5. Akumadatdakking on

      Just cause he’s related to a former president doesn’t mean he has a chance

    6. BostonTarHeel on

      I am also open to replacing whoever Dua Lipa is presently dating.

      I expect I’ll get that phone call right after hell freezes over but right before RFK Jr. replaces Biden.

    7. Informal-Resource-14 on

      Ha! A guy that was literally considered as Trump’s running mate. That’s rich. Richer than Trump actually is.

    8. JesusStarbox on

      Dementia, brain worms or also dementia.

      America is that the best we can do?

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