Found in a toolbox bought at an estate sale, tiny notebook pages containing a list of phrases with words starting with H and P

    by human6742


    1. asromatifoso on

      Slightly disappointed that Hoi Polloi is not on there. Also, it’s weird that they made two words out of one word several times, e.g., His Panic from hispanic, Hos Pitable from hospitable, and the weirdest one, Hum Ptydumpty.

    2. WaterFriendsIV on

      This is what happens when you get stoned and stare at the HP logo on your laptop for so long that you forget what HP stands for. So you start brainstorming.

    3. HappyFailure on

      Heir Presumptive Lovecraft.
      Hoi Polloi Lovecraft.
      Higgledy Piggledy Lovecraft.

    4. Thin_Cable4155 on

      Reminds me of coming up with alternates to swear words, like calling someone a Melon Farmer instead of a Mother Fucker. So what naughty phrase has the initials HP?

    5. I feel like this was a joke game played with a child/grandchild and someone saved it for sentimentality

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