You cannot be THIS stupid 😭😭

    by Leather_Hawk_8123


    1. Ijustlovevideogames on

      While technically not wrong, that would mean we should have every religions sacred text up, so I would be ok with the Ten Commandments if we also include the Quran, the Vedas, the Torahs, fair is fair

    2. They give the middle finger to freedom of religion, which is supposed to be protected by the First Amendment.

      On the other hand, they complain when some people try to institute gun control (gun control not prohibition) after the millionth incident because “it betrays the Second Amendment” (when not at all, regulating guns is not equivalent to preventing citizens from carrying a gun).

    3. BenTheCancerWorm on

      Ah, yes… On one hand you have schools trying to promote equality and acceptance of all people, no matter their race, sex, or sexuality. On the other hand, you have fairytales from over 2,000 years ago and an organization that doesn’t pay taxes, yet wants representation (we had a whole war about that). Clearly they’re the same thing.

    4. BluePenguin2002 on

      Religion is a belief. Gay and black people literally exist. The two can’t be compared, yet when it suits someone’s narrative they will do it anyway

    5. One of those things is not explicitly prohibited by the establishment clause of the Constitution.

    6. IbelieveinGodzilla on

      Ummm….MAJOR difference is that no one is FORCING teachers to post rainbow flags.

    7. IvanTheAppealing on

      So, does the 10 commandments preclude not being racist to black people? Does it command you to persecute gay people? No?! Well I don’t know why you’re setting them up as adversaries then

    8. Cool_Butterscotch_88 on

      How about just some posters like “Math is… Universal”, “Health”, a head shot of former supreme court justice Thurgood Marshall, “music… sets you free!”, or a photo of a big fish?

    9. Slyme-wizard on

      They’re right. It’s just unfair to force other people into your frivolous beliefs like “human rights” and “not shooting people” and “love”

    10. The_Quicktrigger on

      Here’s the problem though. Either they don’t understand the establishment clause and that it isn’t the content of the beliefs of the commandments, but the fact that they are religious imagery.

      Or they think that gay is a religion and is on the same level as Christianity. The people who get mad about this stuff, don’t understand that we are fighting for their rights, just as much as we fight for ours.

      Christians DO NOT want their religion in public schools, because the side effects of that being legal could end with it being illegal for them to be Christian.

    11. CharlieZulu101 on

      Teaching children basic human decency vs forcing religion on them. Sure, same exact thing. /smh

    12. Evening_Rock5850 on

      “Inclusion and the sanctity of human life? That’s clearly a different religion than mine.”

    13. In no seriousness, what if you just put every thing up. Different religious phrases, groups from both parties, all the flags. Think it will be harder to argue it if everything is up on the wall so everyone can feel represented

    14. it’s a prime example of how they alter the content of their opponents’ messaging to make it fit their narrative. Everyone knows that the objection to the 10 commandments is a religious one supported by the 1st Amendment, but what they have done here is conflated BLM and LGBTQ+ ***causes*** with religious beliefs to fabricate the illusion of a double standard.

      TLDR: typical bad faith argument from the right.

    15. Because 10 definitive rules as part of a religion forced upon non religious people, and support for minorities are totally the same thing right?

    16. My belief that Black Lives Matter? That is the belief you are afraid I am forcing on you?

    17. cant-be-faded on

      What’s the difference? They don’t FOLLOW the Ten Commandments but they sure want others to.

    18. CommonConundrum51 on

      Not to mention two have to do with the secular encouraging of civil behavior in a diverse society, and the other has to do with the promotion of the particular text of a religious sect. However, no they’re not that stupid, but are that disingenuous.

    19. As a card carrying member of the Satanic Church I am therefore obligated to reply thusly…

      “Also Satanists”

    20. TheWeenieBandit on

      Ah yes, my belief that other people deserve basic respect is something I must force upon you, and you disagreeing with me is definitely not your own personality flaw that you should probably figure out on your own.

    21. There is a big difference between things being allowed to be displayed and things being required to be displayed. I’m sure there are plenty of public school teachers that have the 10 commandments posted in their classrooms in this same fashion. Stop pretending to be dumber than you are just to try to make a point. It makes your side look even weaker than it actually is.

    22. Technically true. However, LGBT and Black Lives Matter are not beliefs, they’re facts. Black lives do matter, and LGBT people exist. These are facts. The 10 Commandments are beliefs that people choose to live by.

    23. No school is forced to teach BLM. But the recent legislation not only forces the display of the 10 commandments but also its teaching into the school curriculum.

    24. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

      – the first amendment

    25. Encouraging people to believe in equality and kindness is better than forcefully teaching kids about a fairytale

    26. ShadowPuff7306 on

      even if putting the 10 commandments in schools isn’t forcing beliefs, it’s still in violation of the whole “separation of church and state” thing the constitution supports


    27. HectorsMascara on

      Good thing the Ten Commandments agree with the Pride and BLM movements. Right?

    28. You know you’re about to see an absolutely braindead analogy from a conservative when the setup starts using abstract, nonspecific language (“beliefs”)

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