The charisma of a boldfaced liar.

    by Javasndphotoclicks


    1. This isn’t funny.

      The choice between a piece of shit and a turd is absurd!

    2. ireaditonwikipedia on

      He’s not more appealing, he was just able to form coherent sentences on that night.

      But he’s a rapist, felon, a conman, and not fit to be president. He failed the country when he denied COVID instead of dealing with it.

      But MAGA people are too dumb to ever learn. Listen patriots! He just needs a FEW MORE DONATIONS to finally uncover the deep state conspiracy of voting in 2020. Trust me bro, just a few more donations, this time he will definitely reveal the truth and Qanon will save America. A billionaire who constantly needs handouts.

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