Our expectations for you were low, but holy shit.

    by Naveraz


    1. HonorableGilgamesh on

      ironic, he’s half black . . .maybe he’s using it as a coined term? any thoughts?

    2. Keep in mind Iceland has a dating app that comes with an “incest warning alarm”. It’s a very homogenous society.

    3. Mysterious_Beyond_74 on

      They were imprisoned all the bankers after the crash in 2008 instead of giving them bailouts and bonuses

    4. unfinishedtoast3 on

      “Iceland has no military”

      Iceland is a member of both Nato and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

      The Iclandic Coast Guard, for all real puposes, is the defacto military of Iceland. Keflavík Air Station is controlled by the Icelandic Coast Guard, and posesses large amounts of anti air missle systems, search and rescue systems, a functional navy, as well as home to the Royal Danish Air Force detachment tasked with protecting the country.

      25% of Icelands population is some sort of minority group, be they Native, Black or Muslim. The island’s population is 376,000 people, 200,000 of which live in the capital city of Reykjavík.

      Its fair to say most Icelanders see a Black person far more often than most rural Americans.

    5. Ah, yes, a racist, I wonder what their username could… oh of fucking course it’s Andrew Tate 🤦‍♂️

    6. KayderossKid on

      The bar is set in hell at this point, but there’s no shortage of people willing to dig under it.

    7. My question with Andrew is this – is his hatred directed at his father or at himself? He loathes one or both but I’ve never figured out which.

    8. Snek-Lightning7501 on

      Iceland has no army because it’s a small island nobody cares about in the middle of nowhere.

    9. Sensitive-Traffic229 on

      Andrew Tate – SMALL person, racist , bigoted , ugly , loser , fool 🤡

      And the world’s biggest sexist loser besides the Trump 🤡. Small men with tiny hands and penis’s .

      I wonder if all of his fans 🤡🤡🤡that have daughter and sisters really think about what the main message is that their goose leader🪿is promoting ?

    10. GomeyBlueRock on

      So what I hear is Iceland is ready for the taking ? How come we don’t conquer countries anymore?


      so this begs the question, does Andrew Tate have an N-Word pass as he is bi-racial with his dad being black

    12. FluffyPigeonofDoom on

      You are truly living to your name, would you bother to check is something was not posted by the bot?

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