[OC] A chart displaying the pornification levels of Pokemon

    by sugnimmingus


    1. sugnimmingus on


      The number represents the total amount of posts with an explicit rating and a score >= 20 on either Rule34, Sankaku Channel, or e621 (whichever is greatest.) Only Pokemon with a value over 100 are shown.

    2. shiny0metal0ass on

      Frankly I’m surprised Lickitung isn’t bigger.

      Also, the fuck are you monsters doing to poor Eevee?

    3. Why Gardevoir? The others I can at least see what boxes they tick for different fetishes but I have no idea what is going on with Gardevoir.

    4. MilkLover1734 on

      A chart displaying the “I want to cry and hug you and apologize for what the internet’s done to you” levels of Pokemon

    5. CinnabarErupted on

      Nice work OP. I’d love to see this normalised per year since release, because naturally 1st gen would be more prevalent than 9th. Is there any chance the numbers you got are publicly available without having to scrape those sites myself?

    6. This would make for a very entertaining puzzle. Frame it and put it up on the wall, then just wait for someone to ask about it.

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