Tulsi used to support Bernie Sanders. Now she likes trump. She has no moral center

    by Illustrious-Leg5906


    1. Sunny_Sky123 on

      She understands that MAGAts donate more money because of dumb statements than Dems do so she’s all aboard the crazy train!

    2. AtomicTransmission on

      Tulsi works for Putin. She actively “likes” disruptive candidates.

    3. onlyletmeposttrains on

      I never used to believe that she was a Russian asset but her political views are *very* in line with the Kremlins, they promote socially conservative policies but a state influence in the economy. That’s unique for the US (and doesn’t fit beatly into either US party) but for someone like Tulsi who visits Putin allies like Assad, not surprising

    4. Has her skin always been this bad or is this photoshopped to make her look worse?

    5. Whereis-themeteor on

      Works for Putin is the funniest thing ever. We see through your Russian blaming bs

    6. She’s a Russian asset. It’s very simple.

      If the candidate causes chaos, she supports them.

    7. BrownieEdges on

      Hillary got so much grief when she called out Tulsi for being a Russian asset.

    8. Former Sanders institute fellow even. She really snuck in and caused a ruckus. Remember in the primary debate how she supported Medicare for all without question then released a statement that it wouldn’t replace your health insurance and you’d still need health insurance? I.e, not at all what M4A was supposed to be.

    9. She never had a moral center. Her dad was head of the Hawaiian GOP for years, but when she ran for office it was decided she would run as a Democrat because that’s all Hawaiians will vote for.

      Also her whole family is in some weird fucking cult. Look it up. She met her husband through the cult and the cult leader is super anti-gay.

      She’s always been a conservative, and based on how she snuggled up to Trump, it’s pretty easy to assume that the Russian stooge story was true.

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