The healthcare system in America is awful.

    by cko337


    1. Inevitable_Nerve_925 on

      American medicine and healthcare has moved into the realm of PREDATORY CAPITALISM. “Beggar thy neighbor” is the name of the game.

    2. He should have done it and negotiated with the hospital and applied for assistance. They can’t take back surgery.

    3. I’ve personally never understood this, healthcare should be available for people who need it. If it is non cosmetic and an actual medical need, no American should be denied for this.

    4. JimmyChonga24 on

      I think you misspelled wealth care — which is what we’re all about 🇺🇸

    5. Mysterious_Beyond_74 on

      The NHS isn’t free it’s pre paid for , for it all its faults it’s an amazing system that doesn’t deny humanity to those that need it most

    6. Ah. The American Dream.

      Work and pay your dues, until you can’t, then get in the bin.

    7. But he has his FREEDOM to choose to suffer so I guess that’s all that matters right? Oh that glorious freedom! Just wreaking of freedom.

    8. GalwayBogger on

      On the plus side, at least you can get a gun anytime you get annoyed about something

    9. almightyeyay69 on

      I’ve had ankle fracture surgery a year and a half ago and it still hurts, can’t run etc. but I still work in the oil field some days are better than others but definitely still in pain.

    10. I have knee problems that without surgery leave me at a 70% capability. I can’t afford to have surgery. Instead I get a cortisone shot once a year and don’t put any pressure on my knee when bending it.

      I have better health insurance than any of my family does!

    11. I would like to see corroboration for this post. An ankle fracture surgery would be considered as emergency / required level under just about any health care plan in the US. It is definitely not elective surgery. The deductible should be no more than a couple hundred at most. The only way the deductible could be super high is if the person picked a high deductible plan and used up any health savings account that came with it.

      I had a full knee replacement last year. That is by definition elective surgery. Deductible at the time of surgery was $150. Total out of pocket for the entire process (surgery, meds, pt) was about $3k.

    12. Southern_Kaeos on

      I have some online buddies that swear it’s fantastic, and one guy who claims it’s cheaper for prescriptions if you don’t have insurance

      Told em it’s the only modernised country that doesn’t have nationalised healthcare or an equivalent thereof, and they tried defending it vehemently, until I asked them how long they’d be paying off something like an ambulance ride. We don’t talk about the state of America anymore but 2 of them are trying to move to the UK now

    13. sweatpantsDonut on

      I had to cancel a surgery because my job was getting increasingly unsafe and insurance is almost always tied to employment. Neat country we have

    14. Such_Leg3821 on

      Well, Americans don’t seem to want universal heath care. So live with it. All I know is that I spent 4 months in the hospital (in Canada) and it cost me nothing. Health care can’t bankrupt toy up here.

    15. Strict_Bench_6264 on

      I always think of the “Breaking Bad in Canada” joke, where the whole show just ends right after Walt gets his cancer diagnosis with him just getting the care he needs.

    16. Lucid_Insanity on

      I’ve never had to pay my deductible before any operation I’ve had. Not even for my chemotherapy/radiation.

    17. InevitableExotic5242 on

      This is a huge problem I’m paying over 12k a year and still get bills for Dr visits

    18. Gold_Repair_3557 on

      My brother in law has a back injury in which he’s constantly in a state of pain. It could be corrected with surgery, but the insurance deemed it unnecessary because they know better than doctors now 

    19. blizzard7788 on

      You should be in a union.
      I had colon surgery this past March. I was in hospital for 4 days. My total out of pocket cost was $12, and that was for the pre-op prep and medication from my he pharmacy.
      I just got a letter from the union last week. Our Medicare supplemental insurance is being DECREASED from $122 per person per month to $98 as of 07/01/2024.

    20. shroomnoobster on

      Vote for the guy who doesn’t stutter. Then you’ll see how many people are limping because they’re losers.

      I swear to God, every time I read anecdotes like this I think Americans must be the dumbest dumbfucks on the planet. Y’all worship centuries-old words as if they were fucking manna from heaven but wring your hands about daily mass shootings and people who have to choose between bankruptcy and life itself.

      Y’all love to cherry pick stories about people waiting for treatment in Canada without a fucking clue about outcomes.

      Enjoy that Trump tax break.

    21. Alternative-Hair-754 on

      My aunt switched over to Medicare recently and was experiencing some strange symptoms. She delayed going to the doctor by a couple months because she was waiting for the switch to kick in and didn’t want to pay a huge deductible.

      Turns out she had cancer that was allowed to progress in a pretty serious way over the course of those months.

      I’m so fucking tired of our lives being governed by an inhumane government insurance system.

    22. How do they know he couldn’t afford his deductible before he has even been billed? I thought you received the bill after the surgery and not before the surgery?

    23. GoblinCosmic on

      If this orthopedic surgeon is a member in an ASC, he can probably waive his fee. Just sayin.

    24. Non-Adhesive63 on

      Yeah,.. welcome to my world! My back injuries my arthritis my heart condition,… In 20 years with my company they have slowly whittled away at my benefits to the point where I can no longer afford to use the insurance I pay for.

      The last “wonderful new benefit” that they introduced, we’re no more drs copayments!

      Yeah that’s right,… Instead I’ve got a $3500 deductible I have to meet before they start paying for anything. Yep, they don’t charge me that $35-$45 for a copayment when I visit the doctor anymore. They just send me a bill for the $135 the insurance company forced the doctor to reduce the office visit to.

      Oh and by the way because my insurance is 70% coverage? Only 70% of the CASH I spend out of pocket is applied to the deductible.

      So in actuality my deductible is $3500 PLUS Another 30%!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

      You’re goddamn right American healthcare sucks

    25. Strict-Childhood-629 on

      Shit like this is why I don’t pay medical bills. I have no credit and probably never will anyways. Some people would rather wait until they’re at deaths door rather than deal with the fucked up medical system. Same. DONT YOU DARE CALL AN AMBULANCE if someone is sick, might as well have just booked them a cruise to the Bahamas with their own credit card.

    26. Maxpower2727 on

      You don’t have to pay the deductible up front. You can still get surgery and then make monthly payments for whatever insurance didn’t cover. It still sucks, but this post is really misleading.

    27. I have a $6000 deductible that I have to meet before my insurance pays. I was able to get secondary insurance for my kids but can’t get myself. So I have been taking pain killers and sucking up the pain.

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