The Swedish Armed Forces have a new “space force” with light sabers on the logo.

    by Sotsvamp1337


    1. Freshouttapatience on

      Space is where the Swedes have decided to throw down. No more chocolate and yodeling, it’s all about kicking ass now.

    2. hereforthesportsball on

      They don’t actually owe lucasfilms anything for that do they?

    3. Those aren’t light sabers. They’d have to pay George Lucas royalties. It’s the Schwartz.

    4. Yeah they’re with it man they also around Christmas time put out some little videos about the force and Star wars. I saw one where a ship lands out in front of a couple of cops I’m not going to spoil it look it up for yourself. I guess it might be under something like Star wars commercials I’m just stabbing at something here. Anyways have fun and May the force be with you.

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