My parents found this note I wrote 29 years ago when they finally got a new microwave.

    by diverareyouokay


    1. diverareyouokay on

      I have no idea why I felt the need to explain that I was a white male living in America. Or add so many PS’s.

      Mom marked on the bottom right when she found it (when the installers gave it to her a few weeks ago, before giving it to me).

      PPPPPS – I’m not famous

    2. sparklinglies on

      Ok but who took the money??? Who was scrounging for loose change behind the *microwave*?

    3. I live in America.  Like he thought it was going to travel to Narnia rather than stay in the house he lives in.

    4. GomerStuckInIowa on

      At first I wondered why one one ever moved it but then read it was built in. Great job 11 year old you! Now put it behind the new microwave.

    5. Your handwriting was still better than when I was 11 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)

    6. I_SHIT_A_BRICK on

      How did no one clean under or behind the microwave for almost three decades

    7. Time to update with a note on the other side and place it back behind the new microwave.

    8. Stickey_Rickey on

      In my first apartment, I found a secret hatch, you had to turn this knob at the closed fireplace mantle, then slide a piece of wood w a tile glued to it, it revealed a little safe stash spot, I don’t think the landlord knew it was there, anyway, I left a golf ball with the date on it and a note in there in the event future tenants find it, it was a big Victorian house from 1915 or so but chopped up into 6 nice apartments

    9. That microwave lasted 29 years? They don’t make them like they used to. Last one I had lasted 5 lol

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