The choice is yours

    by Safe_Lingonberry8326


    1. Slurms_McKensei on

      Where’s the “neither, try again” option? Id vote for that in a heartbeat. But, oh well, I’ll take outdated incompetence over sheer maliciousness any day

    2. Impressive-Day-9663 on

      Translation: “Yeah I know my boy’s senile, but we’re all gonna be cooked if he doesn‘t win so shut up.”

    3. LobotomizedRobit1 on

      Repost. Number 1. Second we probably wouldn’t even be in this situation if they allowed the democratic process to take place and had an actual debate between him, RFK, Maryanne and whoever else. They learned nothing from 2016 and 2020 and underestimated Trump again, and propping up the ego of a 80 year old man. They caused this with their incompetent ass leadership

    4. CatsOnFilmPod on

      And if JB doesn’t survive long enough to complete his 2nd term, well…next in line ain’t bad.

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