It was an incredible decade for cinema. What’s your favorite?

    by PNWguy_69


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    2. Chuckle_Pants on

      Biggest surprise for me is seeing Crocodile Dundee topped Aliens in 86.

      Also, look how many of the top movies of the decade had George Lucas’ and Steven Spielberg’a fingerprints all over them

    3. ForceRich9524 on

      Harrison Ford really doing work. Eddie Murphy too. Honorable mention to Dustin Hoffman.

    4. Congrats to 1988 for having its top 3 be free of sequels.

      People complain that modern cinema is too reliant on film franchises and sequels, but for decades it’s been the same old song.

    5. cityofninegates on

      Good mix of movies, surprising number of sequels (we complain about that a lot today). So many of these are classics that still stand up today – looks like not a bad decade…

    6. Skydogsguitar on

      I saw every one of those on release in the theater.

      Oh, how times have changed.

    7. What is even wilder is I went to the theatre and saw every one of these movies except for dirty dancing and top gun. Which I rented on vhs they day they were released on home video

    8. So what you’re saying is that world in the 80s was as stupid as it is now.

    9. Woerterboarding on

      1989 was my favorite year in the world. I don’t think there will be a better year.

    10. glory2mankind on

      Still Quentin Tarantino insists 80s were one of the worst decades in the movie history.

    11. Fatal Attraction and Rain Man topping the list in back-to-back years. Movies like that wouldn’t even crack the top twenty today.

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