TV Remote has a keyboard on the back

    by EmirTanis


    1. I have an old Vizio TV with that but the designers are stupid cause the blaster is in the front, so if you hold it like a normal person the TV doesn’t get any input

    2. pterodactyl_balls on

      What’s with all the pixelation, are you in witness protection or something?

    3. Thetechguru_net on

      I would love one of these. I have a wireless keyboard I use with my TV occasionally but this would be so convenient.

    4. SchillMcGuffin on

      Odd choice to split the keyboard where they do — I naturally want to use my right hand to hit the Y, H, and N. Guess they needed a certain length for the batteries, though.

    5. stainedgreenberet on

      I had a remote that had that and it was awesome. Except for the fact that where you held your hands to be comfortable, would block the sender

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