I thought it would be better to be honest

    by watcher2390


    1. CaptainStroon on

      We were promised starships, AI assistants and hoverboards and got starship, AI language models and hoverboards instead

    2. soo what is wrong with these kinda caps? we’ve had them like that here in india for as long as I can remember. Obv not all have these but I’ve come across these so often that I don’t get what’s wrong with this.

    3. The future we got because people are too stupid to put the caps on the bottles again

    4. Ok-Explanation8219 on

      i fucking LOATHE these stay-on caps, they are fucking annoying to drink from and i always just snip off the part that holds them on

    5. jimmylovescheese123 on

      honestly, I love having caps that are attached to the bottle because they’re way easier to drink from but the screw ones that are attached to the bottle are disgusting

    6. the person who created this think will have a special place in hell

      as explanation, i work with little kids ans people with special needs and this bottles are the hell for them, every day they spoil the water or there are hurting the lips. and when you take that stuff off the plastic can cut through paper.

    7. Real question…. Did anyone actually throw only the caps away and not the whole bottle? Surely there couldn’t be enough idiots who chose to be that much of a dick to not only throw the bottle away, but not screw the cap on before they threw it away.

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