The Republican Party hates children

    by Miserable-Lizard


    1. Miserable-Lizard on

      If they truely cared about children they would properly fund education, healthcare and etc…. instead they roll back labour laws to bring back child labour!

    2. On the other hand it’s politically smart, most of those people aren’t going to pay attention to this and will just continue blaming Biden for all their problems. It’s politically detrimental for Republicans to help their constituents

    3. highlanderdownunder on

      Same party that claims to be christian does the opposite of what Jesus preached…fucking hypocrites.

    4. George Carlin was right – when you’re pre-born, you’re fine. When you’re pre-school, you’re fucked!

    5. I say cut them all off completely from federal funding. Most of their economies will collapse in weeks.

    6. The goal of the GOP is to keep people poor, uneducated, desperate and and hungry so they will be forced to work for what ever wages are throw at them. Their policies are designed to make it easier for corporations and the wealthy to exploit the populace for power and profit. The cruelty is just is used to make their base happy, because conservatives love to see anyone that doesn’t share their world view suffer, it’s entertainment for them.

    7. Alternative-Fig-6814 on

      I’ll say it extra loud for everyone
      Ron Desantis hates his constituents. He hates his constituents. He hates us.

    8. The state shouldn’t have a say in the matter. If the federal government decides to give money to a state for a program to help solve a problem in that state, it should be mandatory that it happen.

    9. Altruistic-Travel-48 on

      The Ven diagram of states that refused summer nutrition aid, support ending child labor regulations, and oppose abortion rights, is on big Republican circle.

    10. Antimonyandroses on

      Seems like once you leave the womb you are seriously screwed. These people claim to be christian and oh such godly people but are A-OK with letting children starve. Those children did nothing wrong. They are a bunch of evil people

      edited typo

    11. Every taxpayer in those 13 states pays into the federal fund. The federal government gives that money back to the States for certain programs, and now the governors of these states are refusing to take the money back into their own state that their taxpayers deserve. WTF?

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