If our country has a future, I hope Pete Buttigieg is a big part of it

    by ExactlySorta


    1. I think he got the Cabinet post to get large administrative experience. He could go far if he wants to–and I think he does.

    2. Aurizen_Darkstar on

      The Right doesn’t give a good goddamn about child labor, unless they can use it as a cudgel against their political opponents, as seen in this short snippet. I doubt they care a whit about child labor, since most red states have been doing everything they can to bring back child labor to cause wages to drop (and to be able to treat them damn near like slaves, as they have been pushing legislation that would shield companies that use child labor where said child workers are hurt, maimed, or killed).

    3. pithynotpithy on

      he’s the smartest guy in the room in every room he’s in. I’m with him 100%

    4. TheLandFanIn814 on

      Pete is awesome and would be my pick to run this country. Probably one of the smartest since Obama.

      Unfortunately there are too many snowflakes in this country who believe that being gay is worse than a rapist, adulterer, misogynistic, racist, convicted felon who wants to have sex with his own daughter.

    5. NetworkAddict on

      My biggest complain with Buttigieg is his abysmal handling of the East Palestine derailment. It’s my only real grip with him thus far. The fact that he hasn’t been more public about it, especially with the more recent information and the new NTSB report, when it’s arguably one of the biggest disasters in US history, is seriously disappointing.

      He wrote a piece for *Time* magazine in April, and that’s about it. I know the FRA just published a new rule that will help some, but his job as the head of the agency is to be the public face. And he visited EPO a single time. Once. I really just wish he had been more public and more vocal, and using the same level of logic and snark that he is here, to keep East Palestine in the news cycle. He should be out there publicly naming and shaming the Republican legislators who are actively trying to block the Railway Safety Act.

    6. itrustanyone on

      Young, morals, critical thinking, and sound judgment… too bad he’s gay. /s

    7. I do not want Pete anywhere near the Oval Office. He’s a shameless grifter on the inside. Were just so used to Republicans being a clown show that his display of mild competence is normal.

      It’s not that he’s a terrible person on a personal level. It’s that he’s bought and sold by rich businessmen and is an austerity politician, and we do NOT need another weak Democrat who won’t shake the tree and grow a spine.

    8. First their heads exploded when a Black guy became president, just imagine what would happen if Pete gets elected. Fox News needs that so they can continue the outrage machine.

    9. I was talking to a known conservative and they were praising Mayor Pete. I agreed with all they were saying & then I threw in how awesome it would be to have representation for the LGBT community & they were so confused. I mentioned that Pete was gay & it looked like their brain just couldn’t grasp the new information presented.

    10. bertiesakura on

      Republican governors are quite literally rolling back child labor laws “for the good of business” so spare me your we care about the children bullshit.

    11. BoomZhakaLaka on

      they’re tenaciously after buttegieg and they try so hard to lay everything wrong at his feet. And almost always they expose themselves as being motivated by something else, just that he is gay. And he does incredibly well at debate, even when he’s being straight up abused.

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