I don’t see anything wrong with this

    by herewearefornow


    1. IAmMuscleMan on

      Were it not said that they are father and daughter I would have thought this was a couple. These pics don’t give parent child to me

    2. Senorjayprime on

      That’s his baby girl. If you don’t have daughters that are close to you, you won’t understand. They always are your little baby girl even when grown, it’s hard not to see them as the little baby girl and want to hold them and protect them forever.
      Life is not always the shotgun dad… Some daughters need affection and care.
      I say “Some” cause I have three daughters and my oldest is the opposite and cold blooded, doesn’t like or care for affection since she was little, and she laughed at me for crying when my grandma died. She likes horror films and violence, and she is the type to carry a knife and a gun. I pray genuinely for her spouse.

    3. New-Flight5959 on

      I hate when people post some questionable shit, and then when you say something.

      “yoUR dAd DOnt LoVe yOu” no one ever questioned if my dad was doing incest shit with me either so….

    4. etceteraterrestrial on

      Fuck off everybody who sees a black man being a father and calls him an abuser an pedo for it. Seriously wtf is this shit? Idk this mf or have context so maybe OP has a reason to be suspicious or something, but nah. If dude is good to his family then God bless him forever. Y’all can be fucked up sometimes.

    5. I’m very familiar oriented but have always found it odd how the game maneuver around his daughter

      It always seemed inappropriate

    6. These pics give off couple had it not said father daughter i would not know. The game is a lame anyway so this seems normal from him

    7. I’m a daughter and my dad is in my life and we are close. My parent have been together for 30+ years! But we’d NEVER take pics like this, it’s weird af idc what yall say

    8. NotAFrenchii on

      Kissing your daughter on the cheek is weird? Y’all need love and affection from y’all fathers, tf

    9. Lost_All_Senses on

      This is one those things where each person is gonna fill in all the blanks based on their childhood and personal experience. But at the end of the day it’s as innocent and as right/wrong as the father and daughter make it. Since he’s sharing it with the world, I imagine it’s just how they show affection and love normally. It’s really not that deep. Stop trying to save someone when no one needs saving.

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