How my Dr called me fat

    by CashAppMe1Dollar


    1. Does “alert and oriented x3” mean “Caffeinated to the point of hyperactivity”?

    2. “Well nourished” is a general medical term for “obviously not starving to death”.

      They weren’t calling you fat.

    3. ReleventReference on

      Better than them calling you “fatty fat fat fat” which I believe is the medical term.

    4. Med student here. That isn’t how being fat is documented in a note. They’re literally saying that you don’t look like you’re starving. It can be helpful information if someone is sick especially for a long period of time. Do they look like they’ve been eating okay or do they look like they haven’t eaten in a week?

      We can talk about the medical systems approach to obesity and all the problems therein in a different convo, but they’re not going to mince words about it. If they wanted to call you fat, they’d say “the patient is overweight/obese”

    5. hausfrauning on

      Mine would probably say “General appearance of the patient shows the remnants of a chili cheese dog on their shirt”

    6. MysteriousMermaid92 on

      Not necessarily. My son is “well nourished” based on his wellness checks and isn’t obese.

    7. bathroomheater on

      My oncologist regularly notates well nourished and jovial. I like to imagine he sees me as a young Santa Claus

    8. My thoracic surgeon noted me as an “exceedingly pleasant 38yo woman” and I’m still unsure how to take that 5 years after the initial consult. Was I a nice pleasant person or does “exceedingly” indicate that I wouldn’t shut the fuck up and tried way too hard to be nice?

    9. TheShitMasterGeneral on

      That’s the common wording, they call everyone that who isn’t obviously fucked. If it says “obviously fucked” in that slot on your records, well…

    10. Well, that’s much better than “I have 5 fat patients, this patient is 4 of them.”

    11. OkConflict5528 on

      my dermatologist said in my records ‘well developed’ and i have been riding that high ever since

    12. My doctor literally patted my belly and said “you need to lose this, you are technically obese”

      I’m M, 30, 220lbs

    13. I also had a doctors appointment today where I too was described as a “well developed well nourished woman” and it also made me chuckle!

    14. I used to do medical transcription for many years and one of the notes that sticks in my head is

      “Patient denies any tobacco use, but he smells like he is on fire.”

    15. I’ve lost over 60lbs and they make a point to remind me that I’m still “morbidly obese”.

      You’re good.

    16. “Nil by mouth. He hasn’t had an operation or anything, just nil by mouth…”

    17. BleachThatHole on

      I wish my Wii Balance Board took this approach when I was a child. Screaming “OBESE” at me every other day was very discouraging.

    18. JesussaurusWrecks on

      Imagine if doctors talked to you in the same manner as a vet would upon encountering a “chonky boi”

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