I’ve had a bubble on my eye since birth; no optometrist has been able to see it so far, and I’ve never met anyone else with one

    by AerisSpire


    1. dumptruck_dookie on

      that’s where they put the hidden camera to track your eye movements

    2. “An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor, and the only eye doctor with a medical degree (MD).
      An optometrist is not a medical doctor but is often referred to as an eye doctor because they hold a doctor of optometry (OD) degree.

      Ophthalmologists must complete many more years of medical training than optometrists and opticians.

      As a result, an ophthalmologist is the most qualified among eye care professionals to diagnose and treat a wide range of eye diseases, beyond the routine eye and vision care provided by an optometrist.”(https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/what-is-ophthalmologist)

    3. I have that too, also nearly at the same spot. Also since I can think. Are we eyebubblemates?

    4. Schisandraceae on

      Potentially Axenfeld nerve loop? https://www.atlasophthalmology.net/photo.jsf;jsessionid=5921765D347C317A9003DCB5C2E491CC?node=10346&locale=en

    5. Trappedbirdcage on

      Have you ever been to an ophthalmologist? They’re like the specialists of the eye world. You might find better luck going to a doctor like that rather than a normal optometrist

    6. No eye doctor has been able to see what we’re all looking at a picture of? That’s odd. Those things can be wildly irritating too.

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