Martin Luther being German

    by Mesarthim1349


    1. Mesarthim1349 on

      During the onset of the Protestant reformation, the Holy Roman Empire was already involved in what would become a long series of war against the Ottoman Empire.

      It was common for the Pope to declare Holy League coalitions (basically Crusades) against the Muslim peoples which comprised the Ottoman Empire.

      Martin Luther argued against the practice of Holy Wars sanctioned by the Church, and argued that the Holy Roman Empire should fight the Ottomans on the basis that they were Turks, not Muslims.

    2. Nuclear_Chicken5 on

      So a priest invented racism? Okay I guess. Plus the Ottomans had diffrent etnic groups as well. So when they see the Janniseries they should fight them in the battlefield?

    3. MusicalMagicman on

      I can’t believe Martin Luther had exactly the same opinion about race relations in Germany as the average AfD voter does today.

    4. haonlineorders on

      He hated the Jews because they were Jewish

      Martin Luther: Don’t oppress the Jews for them being Jewish because we’re Christian

      HRE: *angry mob*

      Martin Luther: Oppress the Jews because we hate them

      HRE: *pacified mob*

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