Elon paid 44 billion so that such kind of tweets could be allowed. Well done🤡🤡

    by Youmnaaa33


    1. So Brexit didn’t do the one thing the racists wanted it to? What a f’in failure.

    2. allthejokesareblue on

      What a weird image to choose as a racist scare campaign, the brown people are literally just having a fun old time.

    3. but that was the whole point, people can express what they want. Freedom of speech.

      I’m def against that tweet and i think it’s hella racist. But i wouldn’t want an entity (especially a company) dictating posts.

    4. The only thing I see wrong here is the girl whining in the middle 🤷‍♂️

    5. Square_Abalone_4484 on

      I love how Europe Invasion doesn’t realize how bad they look with this, it’s an image of a white woman crying…for nothing, everyone else seems to be laughing or at least happier, no one is really looking at the white woman, no one is harassing or putting their hands on her.

      Like if they were looking at her as they laugh or pointing at her, that would be something i guess, but it just comes across as a racist woman crying for being near white people who…are just having mostly a good time without her.

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