Cat hair on my shorts, My white long haired cat died over three years ago

    by EyeChihuahua


    1. misterboris1 on

      I still find the occasional hair from my (favorite dog) who passed away in 2015. I still get sad every time I find one.

    2. CantConfirmOrDeny on

      I so know that feeling. My 19-yr old cat died 2 years ago, and I still have little holes in some of my shirts from his claws getting snagged. Gets me every time.

    3. My mom found a hair on her clothes from our dog that passed in 2021 recently. We like to think she put it there as a “thinking of you”.

    4. Much less sentimental, but I am still finding my own hair that was dyed pink 5+ years ago woven into clothes and blankets. It’s honestly baffling.

    5. Save it! We lost our first (and last, his death was too painful to “start” again) dog ever almost ten years ago. This summer when I was visiting the folks I still found his hair at the edge of the carpet and left it in a little Altoids container on my bookshelf. Dunno why but I find comfort knowing there’s evidence of his existence still around.

    6. Lost my cat a little over a year ago. I find one of his hairs occasionally and it makes me cry every single time.

    7. ALLoftheFancyPants on

      I had a ginger tabby that died 4 years ago. Every so often I’ll find an orange hair and it makes me a little happy for that reminder of my little buddy.

    8. I *still* find hairs from my boyfriend’s dog on my clothes. He died over a year (and a totally different apartment) ago. I’d like to think it’s his dumb ass checking in on us every now and then.

    9. imreallynotthatcool on

      I found husky hair in my first car when I detailed it to sell it. I hadn’t had a husky in that car in about 16 years and 140k miles.

    10. switchbladeeatworld on

      a long haired cat never leaves you, you’ll be finding that fur forever

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