Today 80 years ago a German A4 rocket was the first man made object that reached space

    by _Hexagon__


    1. On the 20th of June 1944, a German A4 rocket reached an altitude of 176km during a test flight, marking the first time a man-made object reached space. This milestone however is overshadowed by the use of the rocket as a weapon against civilians which was built by slave labour. After the war, both the US and USSR used the A4 technology and engineers for their own rocket programs, kick-starting the space race.

    2. Agile_Commission_693 on

      Damn imagine how much further it would go if they made an A3 sized rocket. 😮

    3. IWantToWatchItBurn on

      We’re lucky hitler hated the jews vs embracing them and utilizing their skills to win the war.

    4. I wonder how different the world would be if we all got along and didn’t have wars ? What technology’s wouldn’t we have? Aren’t there medical breakthroughs that have military origins? Would submarines just be for research purposes?

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