And, during the interwar period, antisemitic people and especially fascists blamed the existence of wealthy Jews for poverty and eventually for the Great Depression.

    They were used as the "scapegoats" of a crisis that was possibly caused by the poor banking policy of the Coolidge administration. The far-right also argued that, despite running the banks, the Jews did communism.

    by FakeElectionMaker


    1. onlyletmeposttrains on

      The Jews caused the black plague and the only reason they’re dying at the exact same rate as we are is to avoid suspicion! /s

    2. TheMadTargaryen on

      When the Mongols invaded Europe in 1240s there were rumors that Jews were helping them so they can kill all Christians. By the time the Mongols left thousands of Jewish people were killed. 

    3. GreenChoclodocus on

      Anti-semitism formed so many feedback loops throughout history, so many circumstances where people blaming/ being suspicious of Jews was directly caused by previous discrimination against them.

      Anti-Semites seeing Jews being on average more
      wealthy as a conspiracy when Europe spent centuries barring Jews from most Jobs except Trade and Finance is my favorite.

    4. HyperionPhalanx on

      The fact many secluded themselves in enclaves contributed to their cleanliness

      And their eventual ostracism

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