Hi, can I have one death as a soft blob in my safe box, please?

    by OrangePanda53


    1. BavarianCoconut on

      When I broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years couple of years ago, it took me 6 months to get back into dating and I gotta admit, people are scary. The amount of ghosting is just absurd. Been meeting that girl for 3 months and out of nowhere she didn’t reply. Till today I’ve got no clue why.

      Another woman straight up told me on first date, we need to f*** to see if we are compatible.

      It took me another 1.5years to get back together with my ex and now girlfriend. And we have both made equally disturbing experiences in the time we were separated.

      Good luck to you! There are good people out there worthy dating but I can’t sadly tell you, where to look for them.

    2. For me “never again” part took whole 7 years. I’ve recently started using a couple of dating apps. Didn’t get burned yet, but it’s still kind of scary.

    3. ShadowLeagues on

      A guy here. Had the same happen to me with a girl, happens more often than you might think and always stings like hell.

    4. I had one girl in my entire life and she dumped me on christmas. I feel this on an another level.

    5. Most of the times guys are just afraid. Ghosting is a defence shell because, you know, we’ve been rejected since the dawn of ages.

      Communication is key and flirting today isn’t what it used to be. I woukd prefer straighten up things from the beginning than being flirty with someone that i am interested in.

      So don’t give up. Maybe he wasn’t the one for you. Remember that if you are afraid, maybe the other person is afraid also.

    6. Emergency_Low8125 on

      So here’s your problems. First dating is a numbers game, more lines you throw out the more choosey you can be and second getting attached too quickly is almost always doomed to end poorly, one guy stood you up, congratulations you have now experienced what about 40% of all dates guys try to go on, the next 50% is the girl either trying to get a free dinner or some quick dick and the remaining 10% might get a second date if they are actually able to communicate without their phones.

      You might not like it but welcome to the club. I was there for a solid 3 years between committed relationships sure you might get some here and there but don’t expect perfect results immediately that’s delusional.

    7. At least he did not show up, my last date came with a knife and screamed she could kill a tiger in a 1v1 through the whole cafe

    8. Internal_Engineer_74 on

      Men endure that 10 time or more before giving up or win. You understand how men are tought

    9. Shane_Gallagher on

      You’re gonna be ok. You’ll find someone you’ll like and they’ll like you too.

    10. TheLastTitan77 on

      For the guy the fist would be “6 months without a match and if I get one she stands me up and ghost me”

    11. The male perspective is worse. Take it from someone who was on dating apps for 7 years and been single for 8. It’s rough out here.

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