There’s a milk dispenser in the lobby of my bank

    by cestager


    1. KyleSherzenberg on

      One of the first restaurants I worked at was a local themed place and we had a milk dispenser. I have to say, whole or 2% milk that’s constantly poured at ~36 degrees is so fucking refreshing

    2. Raw milk? Looks sus in a bank and not the dining area of a motel or hotel chain. Bet they just foreclosed on a mom and pop dairy farm. Liquidate all assets. Bastards. What city, or what bank?

    3. Last time I went to a bank with no milk, I took out $100. Last time I went to a bank with delicious, cold and virtually fat free milk, I took out $1000 and tipped half to my teller.

    4. I once saw the inside of a milk dispenser at a coffee bar. The tube that led from the milk storage container to the dispenser valve thing was NEVER cleaned. It had black spots all inside the clear tube.

      Have you ever accidently sipped spoiled milk with chunks in it? I have. I about hurled. My stomach got queezy when I saw the inside of the machine. Yuck!

    5. DarthRathikus on

      I honestly think this is brilliant. It’s solving the issue of people not having enough diarrhea while at the bank.

    6. Past-Direction9145 on

      my partner and I blow through 4 gallons of whole + 1/2 gallon of heavy cream per month, without fail. costco is a great place to get it.

      not interested in criticism, so keep it to yourself please if you have any issues with milk. I’m just here to say I love it, and if you don’t, sux 2 b u

    7. English is not my main language but it really triggers me every time people say

      AT MY BANK

      AT MY PARK


      It’s not really your bank, your park

    8. catheterhero on

      I used to be a store manager of a Starbucks and one of the hardest things to get my team to do was put the milk back into the fridge after every use.

      Reason was located under the counter and everyone hated bending down.

      The solution was I ordered one of these and placed on the counter. The team loved and me for it.

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