actually makes more sense than it doesn’t

    by SirFarmerOfKarma


    1. StellaSlayer2020 on

      Remember, one reason they originally hated Mexico was because slavery was deemed illegal in 1829. But, let’s not talk about that in Texan schools, that’s just too woke.

    2. BigRepresentative214 on

      Mexican here, them hating Mexico ironically makes them more Mexican then they’ll ever know.

    3. No-Program-2979 on

      Lots of places are no longer what they used to be. Get over it. We wanted all of the land in America and took it. Natives are free to try to take it back anytime they want.

    4. Its weird Texans both love Mexicans and hate Mexicans. Mexico Mexicans? love them. They invite each other to all the barbecues, talk all the shit together at work, get invited to all the family events. Every other spanish speaking person hopping the border through Mexico? “hate them Mexicans.”

      You find me a Texan that says he hates Mexicans and I’ll introduce you to his 3 Mexican best friends that he learned all his spanish cussing from.

      T. immigrant turned Texan.

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